Welcome to BudgetWise!

It's time to know your budget.

What is this?

BudgetWise is a web application that allows you to track your spending and budget. You can create a new account, log in, and create a new budget. You can then add transactions to your budget, and see how you're spending your money. You can also see how you're spending your money by merchant.

How does it work?

It's really simple. You create a new account, and then create a new budget. You can then add transactions to your budget, and see how you're spending your money. It's a very simple full-stack CRUD app with authentication.

Why did you make it?

I'm passionate about financial literacy, and I wanted to create an app that not only demonstrates that passion but also my ability to create web applications. This is my first full-stack project, and I'm very proud of it. I might make it a rolling release, but for now, I'm just going to keep it as a proof of concept.